Give Yourself 10 Minutes This Mental Health Awareness Week

Today is the start of this year's Mental Health Awareness Week dedicated to providing support services, information, and to highlight to the media too, the need for support and treatment services for thise suffering from mental health difficulties.

But more importantly, it is creatinng too the awareness within the general public about the appalling lack of support services and the need to prevent the current level of suicides taking place in this country.

Jamie McGovern from CWU Grter Mersey Amal Branch is an Area Safety Rep specialising in mental health support training for Mental Health First Aiders in the North West.

He has found this superb video which makes the strong point about ther need for everyone to seek and give support to those needing help in their struggles with mental health; be they friends family, work colleassgues, or as is shown in this video;complete strangers.

Give yourself time this week, if only ten minutes to watch this video - it will reneew your faith in the caring and kindness of people, both young and old, that most people have:

After viewing this, please pass the website page link to friends, family nad work colleagues for them to also watch and get the message out that in order to help prevent mental health crisis leading to suicide, all we neede to do is:



Designed & Content: Mark Holt Jamie McGovern

Hosted: Unionsafety